TvOS 18 Screensaver
This is an appreciation post for the new screensaver in tvOS 18, the one that pulls from your photo library.
In particular, Portraits, which, contrary to what the name implies, can be setup to ignore people, and pull photos of Pets, Nature and Cities.
What I love about the screen saver is that the magic thingies inside the Apple TV select the photos, crops them, and overlays the time.
The end result is equally visually stunning, self-validating (wow, did I really take that photo!?), and utilitarian (now I always know wwhat time is it).
Just one note about the self-validation part of it. It goes beyond that, it’s emotional connection. Those are my photos, I shot those, I was there, and there is a memory associated to each one of those. And that’s where it hits the spot, in creating that emotional connection.